Pathless Path
by Eric Blaser
The Pathless Path isn’t a plan or a map... it's about listening to the impulses in life for direction one step at a time.

Who is the Pathless Path for?
Author Eric Blaser left Portland, Oregon on a six-month sabbatical to an island in Puget Sound paying 3,000 for a cabin in the woods on a handshake. Set on the goal of creating a life that worked for him armed with a violin, boat and an old screenplay, nothing went as planned.
Once he surrendered the idea, life opened up in unimaginable ways to reveal his true gifts. Eric has been a garden coach where he helped hundreds of people envision their landscape. He is transitioning to a life coach for those who wish to find courage to discover a life they love living through the Pathless Path.
People who live with uncertainty, like creatives & entrepreneurs, would likely benefit & enjoy this book. One who is grounded with a sense of worthiness, love for oneself & a trust that things will work out in the proper time. This book is for the person who is ready to break out of the mold, stop playing it safe in life & start living with trust in the flow & uncertainty of life.

About the Author
"Life is full of challenging transitions that aren’t easy to navigate. In The Pathless Path, Eric describes, with insight and humor, how he has taken the important space, and time alone, to be present in his life and to discern what is from what was, to find his way forward. He offers exercises to help us discern our own circumstances more clearly, to move step by step, toward a life that fulfills our spirits as we act on the possibilities of the gifts we each hold. An inspiring story and helpmate for pathfinding in a rapidly changing world."
​- Wendy A. McClure
community builder, facilitator
“If you are ready for a life that is truly your own--unconventional, grounded in freedom, and designed moment to moment--this book is for you. (And if you’re not yet ready, read this anyway and get yourself ready!) Life on your own terms truly is possible and The Pathless Path can guide you there. Eric Blaser has spent his life gathering this wisdom and shares it--raw, real, and right on time. Seize this book as a journey to your very own soul...where all the answers you seek await.”
- Dr. Kymn Harvin
International best-selling author of
The Soul of America Speaks: Wisdom for Healing and Moving Forward
“The most remarkable thing about Eric’s book is how it starts as his story and then evolves seamlessly to become everybody’s story…if one is willing to do the required work of deep introspection that leads to openness and, finally, change.”
- Arthur Redillas
Former University Admissions Director & Current Navigator of Mid-life Change.
"In his latest insightful book, Eric Blaser reveals how he broke free from nearly three decades of emotional sloth and stumbled upon a new life plan that actually works, offering a roadmap to fulfillment, success, and genuine happiness. Want to join him on The Pathless Path and figure out who you are and where you're going? Here is the answer."
- Terry J. LaBrue
B.A. M.A., APR, Author of Literary Feast

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